Orlando Products Liability Attorney
We all use mass-produced products every day. These include cars, boats, planes, toys, tools, furniture, containers, foods, and medications (drugs or pharmaceuticals). We rely on the manufacturer to have the products completely tested and fixed before selling them to us. If a product is defective, you may be entitled to financial compensation if you have been injured as a result of the defective product.
Common Product Liabilities
We use products that have been designed, made, and sold by other people and companies every day, so identifying common causes of product liability claims can be a challenge. While the causes of injuries caused by products vary widely, these are some of the most common broad reasons product liability cases are filed:
These factors cause injuries in products such as pharmaceuticals, baby toys, furniture, mechanical equipment, and a wide range of other products that people use daily.
Injuries Resulting from Defective Products
The Main Law Firm is committed to helping individuals who have been injured as a result of a dangerous or defective product. We handle defective product cases, and we can help you file a product liability claim if you or someone you love has suffered an injury because a product was designed or constructed poorly.
Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be able to obtain compensation for the damages you suffer, including past and future medical expenses, loss of income in the past, and loss of ability to earn income in the future. The damages include past and future pain and suffering, debilitation, disfigurement, scarring, mental anguish, and loss of ability to enjoy life. In extreme cases, such as a brain injury or wrongful death, your family may be eligible to file for compensation on behalf of the victim.

Orlando Liability Law Firm Who Fight for Their Clients
At Main Law Firm, our product liability lawyer Jed Main, and his team can help protect your rights in the event of an injury. If you have been injured or someone you love has been killed as a result of a dangerous and defective product, we urge you to contact us today. We can review your case free of charge and devise an effective course of action. Rest assured that we will work tirelessly on your behalf to find out who is responsible and to make sure that the product is made safer in the future.

An Attorney You Can Trust in Your Product Liability Case
Being injured by a defective product can make victims feel afraid and apprehensive, unsure of what and who they can trust. We have helped countless clients face the aftermath of product liability claims, and this experience makes us qualified to guide you through your case. We understand how challenging it can be to move forward after an injury, so we do our best to ensure our clients feel respected and supported as we fight for their fair compensation. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.